To make your table responsive just attach a class of .smartlib-responsive-table and the CSS/JS will do the rest.
<table class="smartlib-responsive-table"> .... </table>
Name | Company | City | Region | |
Wallace Craft | Inceptos Hymenaeos Corporation | [email protected] | Catanzaro | Calabria |
Trevor Meadows | Ipsum Primis In LLP | [email protected] | Ancona | MA |
Alden Bradford | Sollicitudin Adipiscing Corp. | [email protected] | Cambridge | North Island |
Bert Stevenson | Ut Nec Urna Associates | [email protected] | Cambridge Bay | Nunavut |
Colorado Kelley | Elementum Lorem Consulting | [email protected] | Fort McPherson | Northwest Territories |
Jelani Cardenas | Volutpat Nulla Facilisis Inc. | [email protected] | Rangiora | South Island |
Allen Pace | Cum Sociis Industries | [email protected] | Aschaffenburg | Bavaria |
Brody Melton | Velit Pellentesque Ultricies Ltd | [email protected] | Arviat | Nunavut |
Griffith Pitts | Eros Nec Ltd | [email protected] | Benalla | Victoria |
Travis Watkins | Tincidunt Neque Institute | [email protected] | Barranca | Puntarenas |
August Waller | Nunc Quis Arcu Company | [email protected] | Patarrá | San José |
Matthew Calderon | Lectus Consulting | [email protected] | Blieskastel | Saarland |
Abdul Mccoy | Donec Tempus Lorem Associates | [email protected] | Donosti | PV |
Christopher Mcgee | Volutpat Associates | [email protected] | Barranca | Puntarenas |